30x30 — NEWS — Campaign For Nature (2024)

Posts in 30x30
The G7 Have A Duty To Keep Nature On Top Of The Global Agenda

Open Letter

April 22, 2024

The CfN Global Steering Committee constitutes the highest-profile political group working to safeguard nature. This esteemed group of former heads of state, ministers, diplomats, and scientists has tirelessly championed the global goal to protect and conserve at least 30% of the world’s lands and waters by 2030. Against the backdrop of increasingly concerning headlines regarding climate change and nature loss, they are urging G7 leaders to prioritize the delivery of commitments made to invest in nature. The full letter can be read here.

30x30, finance, G7

Katy Roxburgh


Are biodiversity credits just another business-as-usual finance scheme?


19 March, 2024

In January this year, Campaign for Nature, a U.S.-based advocacy group, came out with a report critiquing this new scheme. “We wrote this paper because we didn’t see enough concerns being raised in civil society,” says Mark Opel, finance lead at Campaign for Nature.

Read the full article here.

30x30, biodiversity loss, finance

Katy Roxburgh

Official Statement - One Year after COP15

Official Statement

15 December, 2023

One year ago today the world agreed to a landmark plan – the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF) – to halt and reverse global biodiversity loss by 2030. The plan was headlined by the science-based target to protect or conserve at least 30 percent of the planet’s land and ocean by 2030 (30x30), marking the most ambitious global nature conservation strategy ever established. The plan also stressed the critical role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as stewards of nature and set finance targets to close the biodiversity finance gap, including a near term target to increase international biodiversity finance to at least $20 billion per year by 2025.

Read full statement here.

COP15, 30x30

Katy Roxburgh

Can COP28 help put a key nature agreement into action?

Conext News - Op-Ed

29 November, 2023

By Former President Mary Robinson and Rita El Zaghloul, HAC for N&P Director - We currently face two urgent crises – nature loss and climate change – and both pose catastrophic risks to humanity. The two issues are inextricably linked. We can’t address the climate crisis without nature, and we can’t address the nature crisis without drastically cutting emissions.

Read the full article here.

We need nature for climate action – and climate action for the future of nature

The Daily Maverick

23 November 2023

By Hailemariam Desalegn and Thomas Crowther - We can’t address the climate crisis without nature, and you can’t address the nature crisis without cutting emissions. Despite there now being a growing recognition of the critical importance of nature, it often remains in the backwaters of global climate discussions.

Read the full article here.

30x30, climate change

Katy Roxburgh

Campaign for Nature calls for inclusivity ahead of COP28

Daily Star Kenya

13 October 2023

Campaign for Nature has urged stakeholders to include both climate and nature solutions for the most affected individuals in local communities. In an interview with the Star, the director Brian O’Donnell said it was time for indigenous people to have their rights upheld."Climate and nature solutions should be inclusive and equitable. Not forgetting the financial bit, which should get to the people really affected by climate change," O’Donnell said.

Read more here.

30x30, indigenous rights, Indigenous led, Indigenous people, Indigenous knowledge

Katy Roxburgh

Will a new global fund deliver for nature?

China Dialogue

September 18, 2023

O’Donnell believes that voluntary private financing of the Global Biodiversity Framework is a myth. “It’s convenient for governments to try to pass the responsibility off to the private sector, but the only way the private sector will truly fund biodiversity is if it’s required to. Governments either have to put the money up themselves, or create a legal and financial framework that requires or incentivises the private sector to do it.”

Read the full article here.

30x30, finance, COP15

Katy Roxburgh

Former Heads of Government Call On African Climate Summit: Ensure $20 Billion Nature Finance Promise By 2025 Is Prioritized

Media Statement

September 6, 2023

At the African Climate Summit, His Excellency Iván Duque, former President of Colombia, His Excellency Hailemariam Desalegn, former Prime Minister of Ethiopia, and His Excellency Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda, former Prime Minister of Uganda called on leaders and ministers to ensure that thenature finance commitment made at COP15 to deliver at least $20 billion per annum from developed countries to developing countries by 2025 is given the prominence it requires.

Read the full statement here.

30x30, biodiversity, climate change, Africa

Katy Roxburgh

G20 Leaders Must Give Prominence to Finance for Nature in the Leaders Declaration

Joint NGO Media Statement

August 31, 2023

Ahead of the G20 Heads of State Summit, we, the undersigned, call on leaders to give prominence to finance for nature in the Leaders Declaration.

G20 leaders must recognize spending on nature as investments in the cornerstone of our global economy, a source of jobs and economic growth, and non-monetary essentials like clean air and water and food security, rather than a ‘nice to have’.

Read the full statement here.

30x30, G20, biodiversity

Katy Roxburgh

Why ministers gathering in Canada must keep their $20-billion promise to nature

Vancouver Sun Op-Ed

24 August, 2023

Chief Frank Brown and Russ Feingold

As B.C. faces drought, heatwaves, and the worst wildfire season in history, it is increasingly evident that serious consequences of climate change are with us now. To confront these impacts, scientists have said that we need transformational change, and that must begin with bold action from governments.

Read the full article here.

30x30, biodiversity, COP15, finance

Katy Roxburgh

Nature fund launched but financing questions remain

Climate Home News

28 August, 2023

A new global fund supporting the protection of nature in developing countries has been launched, but questions remain over how it will be financed.The Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) aims to help countries reach the nature protection targets set by the breakthrough Kunming-Montreal biodiversity deal signed last year.

The fund, which will contribute to the goal of protecting 30% of the world’s land and water ecosystems by 2030, has been set up by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), a multilateral financial partnership.

Read the full article here.

30x30, finance, COP15, biodiversity loss

Katy Roxburgh

GSC Issue Open Letter to Governments Urging Them To Prioritize Efforts to Increase Biodiversity Financing

Media Statement

August 16, 2023

The CfN Global Steering Committee constitutes the highest-profile political group working to safeguard nature. This esteemed group of former heads of state, ministers, diplomats, and scientists has tirelessly championed the 30x30 goal since its inception and is now issuing a clarion call to world leaders to urgently and ambitiously confront the continuing loss of nature and to prioritize commitments made to increase biodiversity financing immediately.

The letter can be read here.

30x30, biodiversity loss, Campaign for Nature, finance

Katy Roxburgh

Campaign for Nature Statement On Newly Announced Global Biodiversity Fund

Media Statement

30 June, 2023

The approval by the Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) governing board to establish a new fund to finance the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) is a welcome step forward in the urgent need to mobilize more funding for nature in developing countries where biodiversity is concentrated.

Read the full statement.

30x30, biodiversity, finance

Katy Roxburgh

Battles over funding could threaten historic effort to save species


20 June, 2023

Brian O’Donnell, the director of Campaign for Nature, a conservation advocacy group based in Durango, Colorado, says that the success of the framework depends on donor countries making good on their pledges to increase biodiversity funding. In addition to agreeing to contribute $30 billion annually by 2030, wealthy countries said that they would help to find $200 billion per year from private and public sources by 2030. But the countries have not yet started to deliver on these promises.

Read more.

30x30, biodiversity, finance

Katy Roxburgh

Governments Must Meet Their Biodiversity Pledges

Project Syndicate - Op-Ed

5th June, 2023

Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf - My work has taken me far and wide, across oceans and vast expanses of land, and I have been lucky enough to see firsthand some of the richest biodiversity hotspots on Earth. But at the end of the day, I always return home – to Liberia, to Africa, which offers the most extraordinary natural landscape and wildlife. The African continent is undoubtedly the planet’s biodiversity powerhouse.

Read more.

30x30, Africa, biodiversity, COP15, finance

Katy Roxburgh

30x30 — NEWS — Campaign For Nature (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.